North Facing House Vastu Plan- The Best Tips And Advice

Every individual dream of having a prosperous home. Implementing a north facing house Vastu plan can help you bring prosperity to your house. Following the principles of Vastu Shastra for building your house can give you a truly rewarding experience. A Vastu-complaint home always flourishes. 

As per Vastu Shastra, the north direction is devoted to Kuber, the God of wealth. Kuber brings blessings to your house and ensures that it thrives. But it is possible only when you follow the principles of Vastu Shastra. 

A North facing house Vastu Plan appeases Kuber. However, if your house is non-compliant with such a plan, you must ensure that you rectify such defects. It will ensure that you have a truly rewarding experience living in your house. 

So, how should you plan your house according to the north facing house Vastu plan? Which directions are ideal for different rooms and furniture? Let’s discuss everything about north facing house Vastu plan to help you have a thriving livelihood. 

North Facing House Vastu Plan For Main Door

According to Vastu Shastra, the main door of your house should face the north direction. While creating the plan for your front door, it is essential that you choose the fifth step. It pleases Lord Kuber because the fifth step, or pada, is usually considered to be Lord Kuber’s house. 

North Facing House Vastu Plan For Main Door
North Facing House Vastu Plan For Main Door

Apart from the 5th step or pada being auspicious for north facing house Vastu plan, you can also choose the 3rd, 5th, and 8th as they are also known to be auspicious. As per Vastu Shastra, Lord Kuber blesses your house with wealth when you make such a choice. 

North Facing House Vastu Plan For Staircase

Apparently, advice from a Vastu expert is essential to figure out how to plan the rooms of your house. Likewise, Vastu Shastra conveys some guidelines for other things you build in your house. For instance, there are a few guidelines that you must follow when choosing a spot for a staircase in north facing house Vastu plan. 

North Facing House Vastu Plan For Staircase
North Facing House Vastu Plan For Staircase
  • Building stairs in a northern direction in a north facing house might not be the best choice. A staircase in the north direction is known to cause financial difficulties. 
  • To plan your staircase, you can choose the south, north, west, southwest, west, or southeast direction.
  • Avoid building the stairs in the northeast direction. It might cause nerve-related health problems.
  • Also, the stairs should be clockwise.

North facing House Vastu Plan For The Direction of the House

Finding the right direction for building your house, as per Vastu shastra, is essential. North facing house Vastu plan might cause problems, even if there is a slight difference in the degree of the direction. It is usually because even a small difference can change the calculation of 16 Vastu zones.

North facing House Vastu Plan For The Direction of the House
North facing House Vastu Plan For The Direction of the House

It might cause problems in a household.

A simple way to determine the direction of your house is to stand outside the main entrance. A compass can help you know the direction of the house when you place it horizontally on your hand outside your front door. The compass needle will determine the magnetic north direction. If there is a slight difference, You might want to change your house’s direction.

North Facing House Vastu Plan For Living Room

Vastu shastra guidelines suggest two directions for the living room. You can build your living room in the northeast direction in your North facing house Vastu plan. Northwest corner is also an ideal direction for the living room.

North Facing House Vastu Plan For Living Room
North Facing House Vastu Plan For Living Room

For the placement of the furniture in your living room, you must take a look at Vastu Shastra guidelines. For instance, it suggests that a sofa set, table, etc., should ideally be placed in the west or Southwest corner.

North Facing House Vastu Plan For Bedroom

There is more than one direction that you can choose for your bedroom. In a north facing house Vastu plan, you can place your bedroom in directions such as west and Northwest. Also, South and south-west directions serve the best for a bedroom.

North Facing House Vastu Plan For Bedroom
North Facing House Vastu Plan For Bedroom

For the master bedroom, the southwest zone is the most ideal direction. You must avoid southeast or northeast directions at all costs. A bedroom in this direction can bring instability in a house by causing disputes in the family. Also, the family members might experience severe health issues.

North facing House Vastu Plan For Kitchen

Vastu Shastra says that a person must avoid the northeast corner of the north facing house Vastu plan for their kitchen. The kitchen in this direction can cause conflicts within the house.

North facing House Vastu Plan For Kitchen
North facing House Vastu Plan For Kitchen

So, you can consider southeast or north east direction for building your kitchen. The southeast direction eliminates germs and ensures the good health of the family members. It is because this direction denotes Sun and Mars combination.

North Facing House Vastu Plan For Dining Room

North Facing House Vastu Plan For Dining Room
North Facing House Vastu Plan For Dining Room

Vastu Shastra suggests that the dining room must face east, west, or north. A person sitting at the dining table must face any of these directions while eating their meals. You can choose the west direction for building your dining room in north facing house Vastu plan.

Is North Facing House Vastu Plan Good For All Homes?

Usually, it is a misconception that people believe that any one direction is good for their house. No direction is bad as long as you are complying with the Vastu Shastra tips for home. For example, if you ensure that the main entrance of your house faces the right direction, your house will prosper. In addition, a north facing house Vastu plan can be good if you place your furniture adhering to the Vastu Shastra guidelines.

Interestingly, the paint colors that you choose for your house also affect your house environment. So, it is advisable that you have your house painted with colors that go well with the astrological charts of the members of your family.

A North facing house Vastu plan can be great for the people living in the family. It helps you accumulate more wealth as the northern direction is ruled by Kuber, the God of wealth. As per Vastu Shastra, a house facing the north direction attracts wealth and proves beneficial for the people running the business. Most traders, stock market investors, bankers, etc., can benefit monetarily from or north facing house Vastu plan.

However, to make it work in your favor, it is sensible to comply with all the Vastu Shastra principles. Even little lists of things, such as the size of your door, hold significance.

North Facing House Vastu Plan: Some Tips

Your North facing house will flourish if you follow a few Vastu Shastra principles.

  • North facing house Vastu plan can help you build an auspicious home for your family. However, you should avoid building your house on a plot sloping from north to South.
  • Having a lot of clutter in your house can negatively impact your financial status. Besides, it also affects your children’s development. So, as per Vastu shastra, it is essential to keep your house clutter-free.
  • North facing house Vastu land emphasizes having trees in the northern direction of your home.
  • All holy items or religious symbols, such as Om, paintings of gods, and other things, should be kept in one place. Do not leave these holy symbols or scriptures scattered in your house.
  • If you wish to place any decor items in your house, you can place them at the entrance. It is best to decorate the entrance of your house with pictures of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi. These gods are considered auspicious and bring peace and tranquillity into your house. Besides, having their pictures at the entrance emanates positive energy in your house.
  • The electricity circuit board is the best when placed in South East zone. Placing it in this zone insurers an equitable distribution of energy across the house
  •  A north facing house Vastu plan suggests that the septic tanks should never be in the north east direction.
  • The study room can be built in the east direction. In addition, northeast and northwest directions are also suitable for knowledge gaining. However, you should avoid building the study room in the southwest or southeast corners. The face of the student should always be in the north, east, east or South direction while studying.
  • The North facing house Vastu plan can have the home office in the north direction. Also, one should ensure to keep the office clutter-free.
  • The ideal place for the puja room in a north facing house Vastu plan is in the Northeast direction. In addition to this direction, you can build your Pooja room in the east and west directions. 
  • The ideal direction for a guest room is Northwest in a North facing house.
  • The boundary walls of a North facing house Vastu plan should be lower in height. Also, they should face the north or east directions.
  • Garage or car parking should be avoided in the north direction. It might disrupt your mental peace and prove detrimental.
  • You can place the gate of your north facing house in the east or northern half of the front area.
  • The balcony and terrace can be on the northern side.

North Facing House Vastu Plan For Good Luck

According to Vastu Shastra, if you comply with all the principles of a north facing house Vastu plan, it will bring you good luck. A perfect north facing property will ensure your good health. It also helps in leadership development among the women in the house. 

You can also consider planting Tulsi in the north or not least area of the house. It converts negative energy into positive one. In addition to this, you can also keep a Vastu Kalash in the northeast direction. Again, it is essential to boost positivity in your house.


North facing house Vastu plan can make your life more peaceful. With the blessings of Kuber, your house can flourish. You must ensure that you follow all the Vastu tips for the home and make it compliant with Vastu Shastra. 

However, if your house lacks is non-Vastu-Shasta compliant, you can face several difficulties. You might undergo some monetary troubles or face a severe financial crisis. In addition, your house can also lack peace. Thus, it is essential to rectify any Vastu Dosha. 

You can make your house Vastu Shastra compliant by following these north facing house Vastu plans to bring peace, prosperity, and stability in your life. 

Frequently asked questions

  1. Is a north facing house Vastu plan suitable for all houses?

    Yes, a north facing house Vastu plan is usually suitable for all houses because it allows you to have a more peaceful life. Following this plan makes your house Vastu compliant and ensures that lord Kuber blesses your house with prosperity.

  2. What will happen if I don’t adhere to the north facing house Vastu plan?

    Not complying with the north facing house Vastu plan will make your house unstable. You might witness more aggressive behavior in your family members. In addition, internal disputes might also become a very common thing in your household.

  3. What is a Vastu Dosha?

    A Vastu Dosha is a negative energy that might lure into your house if you do not follow the Vastu tips for home. Vastu Shastra offers you a guideline for building your house that ensures peace and stability in your house. If you do not comply with these tips, negative energies or Vastu Dosha might revolve around your house.

  4. How can I cure Vastu Dosha?

    You can cure Vastu Dosha by following the right tips for building your house as per Vastu Shastra.

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