How To Reduce Pet Allergens At Home

Many people have pets and may not even realize that they’re actually allergic to their own pets. Pet allergies are quite common, and according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, about three in 10 Americans are allergic to cats or dogs. If you’re part of the 10-20 percent of the world’s population who suffers from pet allergies, fear not. Whether you’re sneezing the night away or just want to deal with less pet hair at home, there are plenty of ways to reduce pet allergens. Let’s take a look at some simple tips on how to reduce pet allergens in your home.

Groom Your Pet Regularly — There are so many reasons to groom your pet on a regular basis. For one, you’re spending great quality time with your pet, and they’ll love the feeling of you brushing their fur. As a bonus for reducing your workload, you won’t have to worry about cleaning as much. Regular brushing can remove loose hair and dander before it has a chance to spread throughout your home. Grooming your pet regularly with a fur removal tool is a great way to help reduce the amount of pet hair at home. Not to mention, you’ll be getting in some quality bonding with your pet.

Bathe Your Pet Frequently — If you aren’t already bathing your dog regularly, now is the time to start. Use a pet-friendly shampoo on your dog to remove dander and other potential allergens from their coat. While bathing a dog is much easier than bathing a reluctant cat, you still need to bathe your cat every now and then. Seek professional help from a groomer or vet if you’re not able to bathe your cat on your own. One thing you can do with your cat is groom them with a cat hair removal tool. For the most part, cats are pretty adept self-groomers, but they still need a little extra help every now and then to remove excess fur so they don’t cough up a fur ball.

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Keep Your Home Clean — Come up with a cleaning routine for your home. Incorporate regularly scheduled cleaning tasks like vacuuming, dusting and getting rid of or donating items that don’t have a place in your home anymore. It feels great to live in a clutter-free environment, and you’ll also be reducing the amount of allergens in the air at home.

Remove Pet Hair from Your Laundry — Pet hair in your laundry is one of those things that can sneak up on you. One day you’re cleaning out the lint in your lint trap, and the next, you have to call your handyman because there’s a bunch of lint and pet hair stuck in your dryer that can accidentally cause a fire. Save time, money and frustration by removing pet hair from your laundry and regularly using dryer sheets for pet hair. Less pet hair in your dryer and on your clothes means less pet hair everywhere else in your home.

Use an Air Purifier — According to the EPA, a HEPA filter is a high-efficiency particulate air filter. These advanced filters help remove airborne particles from an indoor space. Using an air purifier with a special HEPA filter can help trap pet allergens in the air at home, reducing the amount that you and your furry friend have to breathe in. This is especially helpful when you have allergies.

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Install High-Quality Air Purifiers in Your HVAC System — Take it a step further by installing high-quality air filters like a HEPA filter in your HVAC system. A standalone air purifier is good for one room or an area of your house. Actually, installing a HEPA filter in your HVAC or AC unit will reduce pet allergens before they spread throughout the rest of your home.

Wash Your Pet’s Bedding and Toys — You’d be surprised by how dirty your pet’s bedding and toys really are. Pet bedding and toys can accumulate allergens, so regularly wash both of them to reduce allergens in your home. If your pet is sleeping in your bed, that’s more of a reason to regularly wash your bedding, including linens, pillowcases and, yes, even your comforter.

Create a Pet-Free Zone — As much as we love our pets, sometimes we need to set both figurative and literal boundaries with them. Don’t be afraid to keep a pet-free zone by keeping your dog or cat out of specific areas at home, like your bedroom. That way, you can focus on cleaning the areas where your pet spends most of their time.

While pet allergies can be bothersome and oftentimes frustrating, you can have hope knowing that there are steps you can take to reduce pet allergens in your home. By trying any of these tips on our list, you can help alleviate symptoms and make your home a more comfortable place for everyone. Remember that preventative care is key, so be sure to groom your pet daily with a pet hair removal tool that can be used to brush excess pet hair and remove pet hair from furniture and carpets at home.

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