Creating A True Minimalist Living Room

A quote by an architect, ‘less is more’ was said for a reason! Wise enough for a designer, he understood the power and magic of creating a beautiful space using the bare minimum essentials. Here we discuss how to create a true minimalist living room and sticking to the saying.

With large openings letting in plentiful natural daylight and taking the advantage of high ceilings whenever possible, the absence of any clutter will make a living room appear larger than it actually is

Essential Functionalism For A True Minimalist Living Room

True Minimalist Living Room
Essential Functionalism For A True Minimalist Living Room

An authentic minimalist living room will be devoid of any mess. All furniture items in such a living room are well-thought essential necessities for the people living and have a functional value. Usually sleek with clean lines and edges, each of the item in such a space counts and is carefully curated within the room. Sufficient seating, a coffee table, and a shelf display are just about the most common and the only pieces of furniture in such a space. A rug and floor lamp may be used to add accents.

A minimalist living room focuses on simplicity and efficiency while eliminating any distractions. It is this that makes the design and room visually appealing while exuding a sense of warmth and calmness. Empty spaces form an integral part while designing minimalist living room and a subtle balance can be maintained thereby.

Neutral Color Palette

True Minimalist Living Room
Neutral Color Palette

When designing a living room that is genuinely minimalist, your best bet is to go for plain white walls and neutral seating. You may choose from shades such ivory, beige, grey for your upholstery and an overall monochromatic color scheme. This design style avoids the use of bright and bold color that may cause visual chaos in a silent yet powerful design style as minimalism. Neutral colors work in a way to reduce everything to its essence, making the overall look unpretentious and elegant. 

Colors For Accents

True Minimalist Living Room
Colors For Accents

With a neutral, monochromatic color palette and a flood of natural daylight, bring in a pop of color using accents in the decor. Choose from a wide range of colorful patterned cushions contrasting the neutral couch, or go in for a bright accent chair that stands out against the monochromes, or opt for a chic solid or metal floor lamp or a pendant light. All of these elements add a subtle touch of vibrancy and liveliness to the living room making it a lot more visually appealing and overall balanced. However, ensure that this accent feature is also unique and functional within the space; you may want to go easy with the rest of the furniture items accordingly. 

Bringing In Greenery

True Minimalist Living Room
Bringing In Greenery For A True Minimalist Living Room

The fresh green color is yet another feature accent addition. In fact, no design will be incomplete without plants in such a space. A tall green plant adorning a corner next to the sunny window casting the leaf shadows on the floor around against a neutral background is a sure treat to the eyes! Alternatively, you may choose a set of small planters of varying heights to bring in dynamism to the arrangement. Yet another choice is to place succulents through out the small nooks and corners of the room to bind the design seamlessly. 

Statement Art

True Minimalist Living Room
Statement Art

Feel free to experiment with a unique statement piece of art to go with your minimalistic living room design. Black and white art work is the most popular choice for such a design style as it blends yet stands out within the space. Other art works usually adorning the walls of a minimalist living room have just about a color or two used as highlight. Refrain yourself from displaying any eclectic art as it will disrupt the serenity of the minimalist design. You may choose to hang this art piece over the couch or a blank wall as it will stand against the solid neutrals.

Bold Focals

True Minimalist Living Room
Bold Focals

A simple palette allows you to have a strong bold focal point within the decor. You may have bold colored fireplace or a display unit that becomes a base for designing your living room. When dealing with such a feature, spark interest using warm neutrals to contrast the boldness of the color. Use a variety of textures such as leather, fur, weave, within the same color shades as the rest of the decor to maintain the balance and harmony.

Lend A Modern Touch

True Minimalist Living Room
Lend A Modern Touch To A True Minimalist Living Room

A true minimalist living room, with its clean and sleek lines, looks quite contemporary. However, you may choose to add an extra touch of modernism by introducing subtle elements like an elegant floor lamp or simple yet stylish pendent lighting. Matt black or shiny metal are popular finishes for such elements that are minute additions that can balance the complete look quite well. Also, patterns are yet another choice to bring in subtle modernist look to the space. Simple single colored non-cluttered geometric patterns in small quantities work well for such an approach. You may want to use cushion covers or a floor rug that can serve the purpose. 

Minimise Shelf Space In Living Room

True Minimalist Living Room
Minimise Shelf Space In A True Minimalist Living Room

While designing a truly minimalistic living room, ensure you keep shelf display to the minimum. Keep the shelf space clean and clear devoid of any clutter including too many accent pieces or collectibles. Purge your possessions and design smartly to have concealed storage spaces for the items you own.

Invest In Quality

With a limited items to set up the decor, always invest in quality furniture when designing a true minimalist living room. It is always a matter of quality over quantity for such a design style. Go in for luxurious pieces and splurge – it will do justice to the living room design!


  1. What are the elements of a minimalist bedroom?

    Using the concept of thoughtfully curating each decor item for a purpose, the bare essentials for a minimalist bedroom are a bed, side table and a light, floor lamp or a pendant. Do not place any distractions such as a television or other entertainment electronics. Match your curtains with the bed sheets for a comfortable visual blend.

  2. What are the elements of a minimalist kitchen?

    When designing a minimalist kitchen, only keep pots and pans as many as you need. Do not stack on dinnerware more than one set. A good rule of thumb to purge all your extra kitchen inventory is to only keep the items that you have used in the past year. 

  3. What are the elements of a minimalist study room?

    A work from home office or a study room needs to be designed in a minimalist way to avoid any distractions. Clean white storage spaces, plenty of natural light, and a touch of personalisation including a poster or picture of the family can make for a good minimalist home office design.

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