What To Take With My Dog for Kennel Boarding

Whether you’re going on holiday or undergoing major improvements at home, you may consider putting your dog in a kennel for the duration. Putting your dog into kennels can be difficult for both you and them.

Your dog may experience stress and anxiety due to being away from you, and you may worry about their well-being when you’re not around to care for them. However, you can make the experience easier on you both by making sure they have all they need for their stay in kennels. Keep reading if you’re wondering, “What to bring with my dog for kennel boarding?”.

5 key items for your dog’s stay in kennels

There are some essential items to pack in your dog’s luggage when they go to stay in kennels. These range from their vaccination certificate to show they have full protection against common canine diseases to their usual food and snacks and their favourite toys or blanket.

Knowing they have items like this can reassure you that they will be happy, comfortable and safe while you’re away. Read on to learn the answer to the question “What to bring with my dog for kennel boarding?”.

Vaccination certificate

Packing your dog’s vaccination certificate is very important. This is because most kennels will request to see this when you drop your pet off. They will want to see that your dog has been fully vaccinated against diseases such as parvovirus (CPV), distemper, leptospirosis and hepatitis. All dogs will need to have received these vaccinations before being allowed to stay in kennels.

Some boarding facilities will require dogs to have been vaccinated against kennel cough too. Dogs need to undergo a primary course of vaccinations which are then followed by annual boosters to maintain their protection. If you can’t show your dog’s vaccination card, they may not be able to stay. 


If your dog takes medication such as pain relievers, antibiotics or steroids, you’ll need to make sure you bring these with you when dropping your dog off at the kennels. Many kennels will insist that this comes in the original packaging with the veterinary label still attached.

You’ll also need to ensure that you provide staff with clear instructions on the dosage amount, the number of dosages and when to administer the medication. Keep in mind that if your dog is receiving medication for a contagious/infectious condition, they may not be able to go into the kennels.

Food and snacks

Most kennels will be happy to supply high-quality branded food to dogs throughout their stay. However, it is usually best to bring your dog’s normal food in order to prevent disruptions to their diet. Switching their food abruptly can cause gastrointestinal upset including vomiting and diarrhoea, as well as a decreased appetite. 

We recommend packing extra food in case you need to extend your trip for any reason. If your flight is delayed, you will want to ensure that your dog has sufficient food. Many kennels will request that you pre-package your dog’s meals in plastic bags which are labelled for their different meals. You could also pack some of your pup’s favourite treats too. 

Favourite toys 

Many people ask us if they can bring their pup’s favourite toys with them into kennels. The answer is yes, of course! Packing your dog’s best-loved toys will help to keep them entertained and distracted during their stay. This will help keep them from becoming bored or anxious. Playing with toys they normally play with in their own home can help them feel more relaxed. We recommend opting for durable toys that your dog won’t be able to easily damage.

Familiar t-shirt or blanket 

Packing a t-shirt or blanket that has your scent on it can be really comforting for your dog. Your pup is likely to miss you considerably whilst you’re away, leading them to feel sad and stressed. However, leaving them with an item that smells of you can help to soothe them and relieve some of their anxiety. Clothing such as a t-shirt or a blanket is soft and warm and can be placed into the bed to provide your dog with comfort whilst in kennels.

Find reputable kennels for dog boarding

If you’re going away for a few days or a few weeks, you’ll need to find reputable kennels for dog boarding. When choosing kennels, ask friends and family for recommendations and check out online reviews. This should give you a good idea of which kennels to look at and which to avoid. The best kennels will provide a warm, safe and comfortable place for dogs of all ages and breeds. 

The kennels you choose should have staff on-site 24/7, making sure that there is always someone around to care for your dog. They should be available at all times to ensure they are healthy and happy. Above all, you should get the sense that the staff are genuine animal lovers and you should feel confident that they will deliver all the love and attention that your pup deserves. 

Book a tour of a kennels

Wether you’re looking for for dog boarding in Sheffield, Southampton or anywhere else in the UK, always consider booking a tour of your chosen kennels before booking your dog’s stay there is highly advisable. Having a look round the boarding facilities can give you a better sense of the level of care your pet will receive and help to reassure you that they will be cared for properly while you’re away.

You’ll also have the opportunity to meet the team and ask any questions you might have. Most kennels will be more than happy to offer you a free tour of their facilities. 

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