Air Conditioning in Australia – What Are the Options?

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We have a great climate here in sunny Australia, with hot summers and mild winters (usually) and if you have recently taken possession of a new property and are looking at climate control systems, you’ve come to the right place, as we outline the domestic air-conditioning options for Australian homeowners.

Split system air-conditioning

Definitely the most common system is the split, where the compressor/condenser is outside and the delivery unit is inside, close to the ceiling. This system is perfect for a single room and for many years, this type of a/c was the only practical choice, yet today, there are whole house options that are much more effective and cheaper to run. This type of a/c requires servicing at least twice a year and the special refrigerant might need to be topped up, while filters are cleaned. Make sure that you choose a suitable BTU rating, which ensures the system won’t be overworked. If you have a few of these units in your home, why not have them all removed and install a ducted a/c system? This will bring down your energy costs significantly and over the years, you will recoup your investment. As the system ages, it will use significantly more energy to work at optimum levels and without regular servicing, you would probably get a terminal problem.

Ducted air-conditioning

Designed to cool the entire building, ducted air conditioning offers many benefits and if you are designing your dream home, incorporate the ducting inside the walls for the perfect system. Slimline grills blend with the decor and a central unit would be located under the floor in in a ceiling, which distributes cool air to every part of the house. Tailored to the property, the ducting is invisible and you can zone off areas within the house, which is another way to save on energy use.

Portable air-conditioning

Small units that are usually on wheels, these handy mini a/c units are great for cooling down a zone quickly; check out the many online suppliers of top brands that are energy-efficient and store it in the bedroom or study, where it is normally used. Some units also purify the air at the same time, which is great. Click here for an article on smart home technology and why it makes sense.

Features to consider

There are several features to consider, such as:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Noise level
  • Capacity
  • Air quality
  • Maintenance

The Internet hosts a wealth of resources concerning climate control and whether your new build is in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane, a top-rated a/c supplier is only a few mouse-clicks away! HVAC, Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning, is a reverse system that heats your home in the winter as well as cooling in the summer. Stainless-steel heat exchangers are super-efficient and with regular maintenance, the system maintains your desired temperature, working silently in the background.

Solar energy

Anyone building a home in Australia would no doubt be interested in solar power; you can recoup your investment in just 5 years and you are no longer at the mercy of the corporate energy giants. The Australian government offers financial incentives to homeowners who make the switch to clean and renewable energy. Talk to a government-approved solar power system supplier and they can design a system around your home; you could have a system that provides a portion of your energy needs and you are still connected to the national grid.

If you are looking for an efficient whole-house air-conditioning system, start with a Google search and contact a leading a/c supplier to find out more about the various options. They would be happy to educate you regarding your options and if you wish to incorporate solar panels into the equation, this would be the right time to make the switch.

It is essential that your a/c system is serviced at regular intervals, which the supplier can do; you might get the first service for free and after that, a small fee is charged. We should all take a look at our energy use at home and see what we can do to reduce our carbon footprint and upgrading your a/c is one way of doing that.

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