How To Choose A New Tap For Your Kitchen Renovation

Choosing a new tap for your kitchen renovation isn’t as straightforward as it may seem. It’s a decision that affects both the functionality and aesthetics of your kitchen.

With the vast array of styles, materials, and features available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, with the right guidance, selecting the perfect tap becomes an enjoyable part of your kitchen makeover.

To make a choice you’ll be happy with for years to come, here’s everything you need to consider.

Understand Your Kitchen’s Needs

Before opting for 3 way mixers and other available choices, take a moment to assess your kitchen’s requirements. Consider the type of tasks you perform most frequently.

Are you a keen cook who benefits from a professional-style tap with a spray function? Or do you need something more straightforward?

The size and shape of your sink also play a crucial role. A large, deep sink might suit a tall, swivel spout for easy pot filling and cleaning.

Match The Tap To Your Style

Your tap should complement your kitchen’s overall design. Modern kitchens often suit sleek, minimalist taps, while traditional spaces can carry more ornate designs.

Think about the finish as well. Chrome, brushed nickel, and matte black are popular choices, each bringing its own vibe to the space. Remember, consistency is key. Your tap’s style and finish should harmonise with other fixtures and appliances.

Consider The Water Pressure

Water pressure can greatly affect a tap’s performance. It’s vital to know your home’s pressure to choose a tap that operates efficiently.

Low-pressure systems may require taps designed to optimise flow, while high-pressure systems can handle a wider variety of tap types. If you’re unsure, a plumber can provide clarity, ensuring you don’t face disappointment upon installation.

Focus On Functionality

When choosing a tap, functionality should always be your primary concern, whether you’re sprucing up the kitchen or looking to revamp your bathroom on a budget. The height of the tap is another vital consideration—taller taps offer ample space for filling pots in the kitchen or vases in the bathroom, ensuring they fit comfortably within your space. 

A tap that combines functionality with aesthetic appeal can elevate the look of your kitchen or bathroom, all while staying within your budget.

Material Matters

Durability is crucial for kitchen taps, so paying attention to the material is essential. Here are some points to consider:

  • Solid Brass: Known for its longevity, solid brass is a popular choice for its resistance to corrosion and high temperatures, making it a reliable material for daily use.
  • Stainless Steel: Offers a sleek, modern look and stands out for its ease of cleaning and resistance to scratches and dents. It’s slightly more expensive but valued for its durability and non-corrosive properties.
  • Zinc Alloys: More budget-friendly options often include zinc alloys, which are durable but may not withstand the test of time, as well as brass or stainless steel. It is also ideal for those looking for cost-effective solutions without compromising too much on quality.

By choosing a tap made from high-quality materials, you’re investing in the longevity and functionality of your kitchen. This ensures your tap remains a cornerstone of your kitchen’s design and usability for years to come, resisting wear and tear from daily use.

Ease Of Use And Maintenance

Think about who’ll be using the kitchen. Taps with single levers are easier for children and those with limited hand strength to use. Ceramic disc cartridges reduce the risk of drips and leaks, offering smooth operation. When it comes to maintenance, choose finishes that resist fingerprints and water spots, keeping your tap looking cleaner for longer.

Installation Considerations

Some taps require more complex installation than others. Wall-mounted options can create a sleek look but might involve additional plumbing work. Deck-mounted taps are easier to install but take up counter space. Always check the compatibility with your sink before making a purchase.

Budget Wisely

The average cost of taps may vary widely in price, influenced by material, design, and features. Set a realistic budget, but consider investing in a tap that offers durability and functionality. A high-quality tap can save money in the long run by reducing the need for repairs or replacements.

Seek Expert Advice

If you’re feeling unsure, don’t hesitate to consult with a professional. Kitchen designers and plumbers can offer valuable insights based on your specific needs and constraints. Their expertise can help you avoid common pitfalls and make a decision you’ll be satisfied with.

Stay Informed About Guarantees

Finally, check the warranty or guarantee that comes with your tap. A good warranty can offer peace of mind, covering you for any faults or issues that may arise. It’s a reflection of the manufacturer’s confidence in their product’s quality.


Choosing a new tap for your kitchen renovation involves a blend of practical and aesthetic considerations. By carefully evaluating your needs, style, and the features that matter most to you, you can select a tap that enhances your kitchen’s functionality and appeal.

The ideal tap doesn’t just complement your kitchen aesthetically—it improves your daily kitchen experience. With a strategic approach, you’ll discover a tap that fulfills every criterion, making it a prized component of your renovated kitchen.

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