How Much Does It Cost To Install An EV Charger At Home?

As electric vehicles (EVs) gain popularity in the UK, the convenience of at-home charging is becoming a priority for many homeowners. Installing a home EV charger can vary in cost and is influenced by factors such as the type of charger, installation complexity, and any additional upgrades to your home’s electric system. Understanding these costs is essential in preparing for the transition to an electric vehicle.

To have a home charging point installed, you need to consider the upfront costs of the charger itself as well as the installation service. Prices can start from around £800 and may rise depending on the charger’s specifications and the nature of the installation. For example choosing a charger with a higher output or smart features will generally increase the cost, while simpler models will be more affordable.

Although basic EV chargers are suitable for occasional use, the more premium alternatives are worth the extra. The latest top-of-the-range examples provide rapid charging capabilities, advanced features like smartphone integration, and compatibility with various EV models.

Another important aspect to consider is the potential financial support you may be eligible for, available from the government. There are schemes such as the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS) which can help subsidise the cost of the installation for eligible homeowners. 

However, this subsidy will not cover the entire cost, so budgeting for the installation is still necessary. Electricians qualified in fitting EV chargers can provide a more precise quote after assessing your home’s electrical system and installation site.

Overview of EV Charging Installation Costs

When considering the installation of an electric vehicle (EV) charger at your home in the UK, several cost factors come into play. Your total expenditure will vary depending on the type of charger you select and the complexity of the installation process.

Firstly, the choice between a Level 1 and a Level 2 charger will influence your costs. Level 1 chargers are often included with your vehicle and can be plugged into a standard household socket, implying minimal installation costs. For faster charging, Level 2 chargers are the preferred option, but they often necessitate professional installation and possibly an upgrade to your home’s electrical system.

Here’s an estimated cost breakdown for a Level 2 home charger:

  • Charger Unit: £350 – £800
  • Electrical Upgrades: £0 – £200
  • Labour: £200 – £500
  • Additional Materials: £20 – £100
  • Permit (if required): Variable

Total Estimated Cost: £570 – £1600

These prices include a basic installation with minimal electrical work needed. Should your property require a new circuit or other significant electrical upgrades, the higher end of this range or above could be expected.

Moreover, specific models of EV chargers that offer advanced features like smart-charging capabilities can come at a higher initial cost but might provide long-term savings and convenience.

The government offers grants through the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS), which can cover up to 75% of your installation costs for eligible chargers, capped at £350. This incentive can significantly reduce your outlay.

Remember to seek multiple quotations from certified installers to ensure you receive a fair and competitive price for your home EV charger installation.

Factors Influencing Installation Costs

The cost to install an EV charger at home in the UK can vary widely. Key factors affecting this include the type of charger you choose, potential upgrades to your electrical system, and the labour costs involved.

Type of EV Charger

The type of electric vehicle (EV) charger you select will significantly impact the overall installation cost. Chargers are categorised by their power output, commonly referred to as ‘Level 1’, ‘Level 2’ or ‘Level 3’ (rapid chargers).

Level 1 Chargers are the least expensive and can typically be used with your existing domestic outlets, but they charge more slowly. Costs can range from £300 to £500.

Level 2 Chargers require professional installation and a dedicated circuit. They provide a quicker charge and are priced between £400 and £1,200.

Level 3 Chargers are not typically used in home installations due to their high power demands and are significantly more expensive.

Electrical System Upgrades

Your home’s existing electrical system may require upgrades to support an EV charger, particularly for Level 2 installations. These upgrades can include:

  • A new dedicated circuit: an electrician might need to install a new circuit from your distribution board to the charger location.
  • Distribution board improvements: older homes might need a distribution board upgrade to handle the increased load.

If upgrades are needed, costs can range from £200 to over £1,000, depending on the complexity of the work.

Labour Costs

Labour costs can vary based on your location in the UK, the complexity of the installation, and the electrician’s rates. On average, labour for installing an EV charger could be between £200 and £500. However, for installations that require significant electrical upgrades, expect to pay more towards the higher end of this range or above.

Remember to obtain multiple quotes from certified electricians to ensure you get the best price for your installation.

Average Cost Breakdown for Different Charger Types

When considering the installation of an electric vehicle (EV) charger in the UK, you’ll encounter various types, each with its own cost implications. The two primary charger types are Level 1 and Level 2.

Level 1 Chargers: These units come with your vehicle and can be plugged into a standard 3-pin UK socket. Whilst convenient, they are slower and are typically not considered for a permanent home charging solution.

  • Equipment Cost: None (comes with the vehicle)
  • Installation Cost: £0 if using existing sockets

Level 2 Chargers: A step up, these chargers provide a faster charging rate and require a dedicated circuit.

  • Equipment Cost: £350 – £800
  • Professional Installation Cost: £250 – £500
Charger Type Equipment Cost Professional Installation Cost
Level 1 £0 (included) £0 (existing sockets)
Level 2 £350 – £800 £250 – £500

Additional costs could include electrical upgrades if your home’s current system is insufficient, and some may consider a tethered unit that includes a cable permanently attached to the charge point.

Additional Costs Potential Range
Electrical Upgrades £100 – £1,000
Tethered Unit Option £0 – £50

Remember to check for available grants, such as the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS), which can subsidise installation costs, making this a more affordable consideration for your home EV charging needs.

Potential Additional Expenses

When estimating the cost of installing an EV charger at home, you should also consider possible additional costs beyond the purchase price and basic installation.

Ongoing Maintenance

While EV chargers are typically low-maintenance, occasional servicing may be required to ensure they’re functioning properly. This could incur costs for parts or labour if it’s outside the warranty. It’s wise to set aside a budget for:

  • Routine inspections: These help catch issues early.
  • Replacement parts: Over time, cables or other components may need replacing.
  • Servicing fees: Qualified technicians should conduct any maintenance.

Permitting and Regulation Fees

Local regulations may necessitate certain fees for the installation of an EV charger:

  • Planning permission: Sometimes required depending on your location and installation specifics.
  • Inspection fees: Once installed, there might be a mandatory check to ensure compliance with electrical regulations.
  • Council permissions: If modifications to your home’s exterior are involved, these fees can apply.

Remember to check with your local council for specific costs related to permitting and regulatory compliance associated with EV charger installation.

Government Grants and Incentives

In the UK, you may benefit from government schemes designed to reduce the installation costs of electric vehicle (EV) chargers at home. The Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS) offers up to 75% towards the cost of installing a charger, capped at £350. You need to have a qualifying electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle and either own, lease, or have ordered such a vehicle.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The EV must be on the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) approved list.
  • You must have off-street parking.
  • The charger must be OZEV-approved and installed by an OZEV-approved installer.

Note: The scheme is available in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, with each region potentially having additional benefits.

Scotland’s Energy Saving Trust also offers grants. They provide up to £300 on top of the EVHS funding, making installations more affordable. Conditions for this additional grant include being a Scottish resident and meeting the EVHS requirements.

For more up-to-date information or changes in the schemes, you should visit the official OZEV and Energy Saving Trust websites. Checking for local incentives provided by your council is advisable too, as additional support could be available.

Final Considerations and Tips

When planning to install an electric vehicle (EV) charger at home, several considerations should guide your decision. It’s prudent to assess your EV’s requirements, such as the connector type and charging speed compatible with your vehicle. You should also evaluate your home’s electrical capacity to handle the additional load.

Regarding costs, the price of a home EV charger installation can vary widely. The table below outlines the typical cost elements:

Cost Element Estimated Price Range
Charger Unit £400 – £1000
Installation Labour £300 – £1000
Additional Electrical Work £50 – £300
Grant (if eligible) Up to £350 deduction

Note: These estimates are subject to change based on individual circumstances and market prices.

Selecting a certified and experienced electrician is critical to ensure safety and regulatory compliance. Installation costs can be mitigated if you’re eligible for the government’s Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS), which can cover up to 75% of the total cost, capped at £350.

Maintenance considerations are minimal but shouldn’t be ignored. Regular checks by a qualified professional can ensure your charger operates efficiently over the years. Be aware of the warranty offered with your charger, as this can provide peace of mind and additional financial security against defects or issues.

Lastly, remember to consult with your electricity supplier about potential changes to your tariff or the availability of specific EV tariffs which could be more economical for your charging needs. These tariffs can reduce the cost per kWh, particularly when charging overnight.

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